Сливной шланг для посудомоечной машины Хотпоинт Аристон (Hotpoint Ariston) Индезит (Indesit) 054869



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Сливной гофрированный  шланг к посудомоечной машине Хотпоинт Аристон (Hotpoint Ariston) Индезит (Indesit)

Шланг слива воды для посудомойки имеет размеры: общая 1,7 м., диаметр патрубка подключения 32 мм, Г образный, диаметр патрубка слива 21 мм.

Сливной шланг для посудомойки имеет коды взаимозамен: C00054869

Шланг сливной устанавливается на модели:

Ariston AF200 Ariston AF200 (37184420000) Ariston AF200 (37184420100) Ariston AF250 Ariston AF250 (37250870000) Ariston AF300 Ariston AF300 (37184430000) Ariston AF300 (37184430100) Ariston AF300SS Ariston AF300SS (37184440000) Ariston AF300SS (37184440100) Ariston AFA250 Ariston AFA250 (37281540000) Ariston AFA300SSUK Ariston AFA300SSUK (37258070100) Ariston AFA300UK Ariston AFA300UK (37258060100) Ariston AFA350 Ariston AFA350 (37280370000) Ariston AFA350X Ariston AFA350X (37280380000) Ariston AFA370X Ariston AFA370X (37338270000) Ariston AFA400 Ariston AFA400 (37281610000) Ariston AFA400XUK Ariston AFA400XUK (37281620000) Ariston AS100 Ariston AS100 (37222130000) Ariston AS150 Ariston AS150 (37281500000) Ariston AS150X Ariston AS150X (37281510000) Ariston BCI45 Ariston BCI45 (37288390000) Ariston BCI450 Ariston BCI450 (37303860000) Ariston BCI450.C Ariston BCI450.C (64402210000) Ariston BFI62 Ariston BFI62 (37288370000) Ariston BFI620 Ariston BFI620 (37307080100) Ariston BFI620 (37307080200) Ariston BFI620 (37307080300) Ariston BFI670 Ariston BFI670 (37434100000) Ariston BFI670 (37434100100) Ariston BFI68 Ariston BFI68 (37288380000) Ariston BFI680 Ariston BFI680 (37307150000) Ariston BFI680 (37307150100) Ariston BFI680 (37307150200) Ariston BFI680 (37307150300) Ariston BFI680 (37307150400) Ariston BFQ700I Ariston BFQ700I (37403360000) Ariston BFQ700I (37403360100) Ariston BFQ700I (37403360200) Ariston BFQ700T Ariston BFQ700T (37347530100) Ariston BFT680X Ariston BFT680X (37307270000) Ariston BFT680X (37307270100) Ariston BFT68X Ariston BFT68X (37288470000) Ariston BFV620B Ariston BFV620B (37307180100) Ariston BFV620B (37307180200) Ariston BFV620K Ariston BFV620K (37307170100) Ariston BFV620K (37307170200) Ariston BFV620W Ariston BFV620W (37307190100) Ariston BFV620W (37307190900) Ariston BFV620W (37307191000) Ariston BFV620X Ariston BFV620X (37307200100) Ariston BFV620X (37307200200) Ariston BFV620X (37307200300) Ariston BFV62B Ariston BFV62B (37288410000) Ariston BFV62K Ariston BFV62K (37288400000) Ariston BFV62W Ariston BFV62W (37288430000) Ariston BFV62X Ariston BFV62X (37288440000) Ariston BFV680X Ariston BFV680X (37307240000) Ariston BFV680X (37307240100) Ariston BFV68X Ariston BFV68X (37288450000) Ariston BFZ680X Ariston BFZ680X (37347540000) Ariston BFZ680X (37347540100) Ariston BFZ680X (37347540200) Ariston BFZ700X Ariston BFZ700X (37347630100) Ariston BFZ700X (37347630200) Ariston CISLI420 Ariston CISLI420 (37341440000) Ariston CISLI420.C Ariston CISLI420.C (64406460000) Ariston CISLI420.C/HA Ariston CISLI420.C/HA (64490050000) Ariston CISLI460A.C/HA Ariston CISLI460A.C/HA (64490060000) Ariston CISLI470ACHA Ariston CISLI470ACHA (64522240000) Ariston CISLI480A Ariston CISLI480A (37341430000) Ariston CISLI480A.C Ariston CISLI480A.C (64406470000) Ariston CISLI480A.C/HA Ariston CISLI480A.C/HA (64490070000) Ariston CISLI700DUO Ariston CISLI700DUO (37341420100) Ariston CISLI700DUO (37341420200) Ariston CISLI700PLUS Ariston CISLI700PLUS (37406080000) Ariston CISLI705EXTRA Ariston CISLI705EXTRA (37439930000) Ariston DWT10P Ariston DWT10P (37303740000) Ariston DWT10P.2 Ariston DWT10P.2 (37322280000) Ariston FDW20P Ariston FDW20P (37331820000) Ariston FDW20P (37331820900) Ariston FDW20P (37331821000) Ariston FDW60G Ariston FDW60G (37331850000) Ariston FDW60G (37331850100) Ariston FDW60P Ariston FDW60P (37331830000) Ariston FDW60P (37331830900) Ariston FDW60P (37331831000) Ariston FDW60P.1 Ariston FDW60P.1 (37624980000) Ariston FDW60T Ariston FDW60T (37331840000) Ariston FDW65A Ariston FDW65A (37331860000) Ariston FDW65A (37331860100) Ariston FDW70G Ariston FDW70G (37345240100) Ariston FDW70G (37345240200) Ariston FDW70P Ariston FDW70P (37345260100) Ariston FDW70P (37345260900) Ariston FDW70T Ariston FDW70T (37345250100) Ariston FDW75A Ariston FDW75A (37345230100) Ariston FDW75A (37345230200) Ariston FDW80G Ariston FDW80G (37331890000) Ariston FDW80G (37331890100) Ariston FDW80G (37331890200) Ariston FDW80P 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IDL530UK.3 (37555870000) Ariston IDL535SUK.2 Ariston IDL535SUK.2 (37345010000) Ariston IDL535SUK.2 (37345010100) Ariston IDL535SUK.2 (37345010200) Ariston IDL535SUK.3 Ariston IDL535SUK.3 (37555880000) Ariston IDL550EU.2 Ariston IDL550EU.2 (37408860000) Ariston IDL550FR Ariston IDL550FR (37300150000) Ariston IDL550IT.2 Ariston IDL550IT.2 (37412020000) Ariston IDL550SIT.2 Ariston IDL550SIT.2 (37412030000) Ariston IDL552FR.2 Ariston IDL552FR.2 (37344580000) Ariston IDL553FR.2 Ariston IDL553FR.2 (37361540000) Ariston IDL553FR.2 (37361540100) Ariston IDL553FR.2 (37361540900) Ariston IDL555SFR.2 Ariston IDL555SFR.2 (37344590000) Ariston IDL556FR.2 Ariston IDL556FR.2 (37393300100) Ariston IDL556FR.2 (37393300900) Ariston IDL557SFR.2 Ariston IDL557SFR.2 (37463480000) Ariston IDL55DE Ariston IDL55DE (37305610000) Ariston IDL55DE.2 Ariston IDL55DE.2 (37322200000) Ariston IDL55DE.2 (37322200900) Ariston IDL55EU Ariston IDL55EU (37306340000) Ariston IDL55EU.2 Ariston IDL55EU.2 (37322150000) Ariston IDL55IT Ariston IDL55IT (37302120000) Ariston IDL55IT.2 Ariston IDL55IT.2 (37341190000) Ariston IDL55IT.2 (37341190900) Ariston IDL55SDE Ariston IDL55SDE (37305650000) Ariston IDL55SDE.2 Ariston IDL55SDE.2 (37322240000) Ariston IDL55SIT Ariston IDL55SIT (37302130000) Ariston IDL55SIT.2 Ariston IDL55SIT.2 (37341200000) Ariston IDL55T49EU.2 Ariston IDL55T49EU.2 (37436680000) Ariston IDL55T4C Ariston IDL55T4C (37417540000) Ariston IDL55T50EU Ariston IDL55T50EU (37338160000) Ariston IDL55T50EU.2 Ariston IDL55T50EU.2 (37353180000) Ariston IDL57PT Ariston IDL57PT (37310860000) Ariston IDL57PT (37310860100) Ariston IDL57PT.2 Ariston IDL57PT.2 (37353140000) Ariston IDL57PT.2 (37353140900) Ariston IDL600EU.2 Ariston IDL600EU.2 (37408870000) Ariston IDL600IT.2 Ariston IDL600IT.2 (37412040000) Ariston IDL600SEU.2 Ariston IDL600SEU.2 (37408880000) Ariston IDL600SIT.2 Ariston IDL600SIT.2 (37412050000) Ariston IDL6021EU.2 Ariston IDL6021EU.2 (37411660000) Ariston IDL6049SK.2 Ariston IDL6049SK.2 (37422420000) Ariston IDL60AUS.2 Ariston IDL60AUS.2 (37345030000) Ariston IDL60EU Ariston IDL60EU (37306440000) Ariston IDL60EU.2 Ariston IDL60EU.2 (37322160000) Ariston IDL60IT Ariston IDL60IT (37302140000) Ariston IDL60NL.2 Ariston IDL60NL.2 (37322190000) Ariston IDL60SAUS.2 Ariston IDL60SAUS.2 (37345020000) Ariston IDL60SAUS.2 (37345020100) Ariston IDL60SEU Ariston IDL60SEU (37306470000) Ariston IDL60SEU.2 Ariston IDL60SEU.2 (37322250000) Ariston IDL60SK.2 Ariston IDL60SK.2 (37322220000) Ariston IDL61EU Ariston IDL61EU (37306800000) Ariston IDL61EU.2 Ariston IDL61EU.2 (37322180000) Ariston IDL61IT.2 Ariston IDL61IT.2 (37342840000) Ariston IDL61IT.2 (37342840900) Ariston IDL62DE Ariston IDL62DE (37331490000) Ariston IDL62EU Ariston IDL62EU (37306860000) Ariston IDL62EU.2 Ariston IDL62EU.2 (37322230000) Ariston IDL62EU.2 (37322230900) Ariston IDL62SK.2 Ariston IDL62SK.2 (37363870000) Ariston IDL63EU.2 Ariston IDL63EU.2 (37411650000) Ariston IDL63EU.2 (37411650100) Ariston IDL63SNL.2 Ariston IDL63SNL.2 (37322260000) Ariston IDL700FR Ariston IDL700FR (37300160000) Ariston IDL700UK Ariston IDL700UK (37300420000) Ariston IDL700UK.2 Ariston IDL700UK.2 (37341180000) Ariston IDL7021SP Ariston IDL7021SP (37306030000) Ariston IDL7021SP.2 Ariston IDL7021SP.2 (37353170000) Ariston IDL7021SP.2 (37353170100) Ariston IDL7021SP.2 (37353170900) Ariston IDL702FR.2 Ariston IDL702FR.2 (37344620100) Ariston IDL705SUK Ariston IDL705SUK (37300430000) Ariston IDL705SUK.2 Ariston IDL705SUK.2 (37341170000) Ariston IDL706FR.2 Ariston IDL706FR.2 (37393320900) Ariston IDL70DE Ariston IDL70DE (37305720000) Ariston IDL70DEU Ariston IDL70DEU (37306000100) Ariston IDL70DEU.2 Ariston IDL70DEU.2 (37345660000) Ariston IDL70DEU.2 (37345660900) Ariston IDL70EU Ariston IDL70EU (37306540000) Ariston IDL70IT Ariston IDL70IT (37302150000) Ariston IDL710FR Ariston IDL710FR (37300170000) Ariston IDL71EU.2 Ariston IDL71EU.2 (37353190000) Ariston IDL71IT.2 Ariston IDL71IT.2 (37342860000) Ariston IDL71IT.2 (37342860900) Ariston IDL730UK.2 Ariston IDL730UK.2 (37344980000) Ariston IDL730UK.2 (37344980900) Ariston IDL735SUK.2 Ariston IDL735SUK.2 (37345000000) Ariston IDL735SUK.2 (37345000100) Ariston IDL750EU.2 Ariston IDL750EU.2 (37408910000) Ariston IDL750SEU.2 Ariston IDL750SEU.2 (37408890000) Ariston IDL75EU Ariston IDL75EU (37306610000) Ariston IDL75EU.2 Ariston IDL75EU.2 (37326270000) Ariston IDL75EU.2 (37326270900) Ariston IDL75SEU Ariston IDL75SEU (37306040000) Ariston IDL75SEU.2 Ariston IDL75SEU.2 (37328450000) Ariston IDL76EU.2 Ariston IDL76EU.2 (37367660000) Ariston IDL76EU.2 (37367660900) Ariston IDLB2EU Ariston IDLB2EU (37322710000) Ariston IDLB2EU (37322710100) Ariston IDLB2EU (37322710900) Ariston IDV60B Ariston IDV60B (37288490000) Ariston IDV60W Ariston IDV60W (37288500000) Ariston L52IT Ariston L52IT (37234440200) Ariston L6047FR Ariston L6047FR (37331500000) Ariston L6047FR (37331500100) Ariston L6049FR Ariston L6049FR (37375460000) Ariston L6061EU Ariston L6061EU (37409110000) Ariston L6063AEU Ariston L6063AEU (37436900000) Ariston L6063EU Ariston L6063EU (37409120000) Ariston L6064EU Ariston L6064EU (37409160100) Ariston L60FR Ariston L60FR (37292830000) Ariston L60T3CTK Ariston L60T3CTK (37436870000) Ariston L61AG Ariston L61AG (37299070000) Ariston L61AG (37299070100) Ariston L61AG (37299070900) Ariston L61EU Ariston L61EU (37284700100) Ariston L61EU.2 Ariston L61EU.2 (37353160000) Ariston L61EU.2 (37353160900) Ariston L61IT Ariston L61IT (37281690100) Ariston L61IT.2 Ariston L61IT.2 (37341270000) Ariston L62IT Ariston L62IT (37234440100) Ariston L62IT.2 Ariston L62IT.2 (37373410000) Ariston L62IT.2 (37373410900) Ariston L62WE Ariston L62WE (37234490100) Ariston L62WE (37234490200) Ariston L62WE/B Ariston L62WE/B (37234490100) Ariston L62WE/B (37234490200) Ariston L62XE Ariston L62XE (37245580000) Ariston L62XE (37245580100) Ariston L62XE/B Ariston L62XE/B (37245580000) Ariston L62XE/B (37245580100) Ariston L63AUS Ariston L63AUS (37299120000) Ariston L63AUS (37299120100) Ariston L63EU Ariston L63EU (37295440000) Ariston L63EU.2 Ariston L63EU.2 (37345180000) Ariston L63EU.2 (37345180900) Ariston L63EX115-60.2 Ariston L63EX115-60.2 (37345060000) Ariston L63EX115-60.2 (37345060900) Ariston L63EX115-60.2 (37345061000) Ariston L63IT Ariston L63IT (37284530100) Ariston L63SK.2 Ariston L63SK.2 (37322270000) Ariston L63SK.2 (37322270100) Ariston L63XAUS Ariston L63XAUS (37299130000) Ariston L63XAUS (37299130100) Ariston L63XAUS (37299130200) Ariston L63XIT Ariston L63XIT (37289040000) Ariston L64AUS Ariston L64AUS (37299140000) Ariston L64AUS (37299140900) Ariston L64AUS (37299141000) Ariston L64AUS (37476500000) Ariston L64IT.2 Ariston L64IT.2 (37342910000) Ariston L64IT.2 (37342910900) Ariston L64XAUS Ariston L64XAUS (37299150000) Ariston L64XAUS (37299150100) Ariston L64XAUS (37476510000) Ariston L64XIT.2 Ariston L64XIT.2 (37342920000) Ariston L65AIT Ariston L65AIT (37410510000) Ariston L65IT Ariston L65IT (37410490000) Ariston L65XIT Ariston L65XIT (37463450000) Ariston L66EU Ariston L66EU (37299060000) Ariston L66IT.2 Ariston L66IT.2 (37373390000) Ariston L66IT.2 (37373390900) Ariston L68AFR Ariston L68AFR (37434140000) Ariston L68AIT Ariston L68AIT (37410540000) Ariston L68FR Ariston L68FR (37434120000) Ariston L68IT Ariston L68IT (37410530000) Ariston L68XFR Ariston L68XFR (37434130000) Ariston L73NDUO Ariston L73NDUO (37245590000) Ariston L73WDUO Ariston L73WDUO (37234500100) Ariston L73WDUOAG Ariston L73WDUOAG (37281200000) Ariston L73XDUO Ariston L73XDUO (37245600000) Ariston L83WDUO Ariston L83WDUO (37235320100) Ariston L83XDUO Ariston L83XDUO (37235330100) Ariston LD20EU Ariston LD20EU (37235360300) Ariston LD20IT Ariston LD20IT (37275230000) Ariston LD20IT (37275230100) Ariston LD20UK Ariston LD20UK (37272140000) Ariston LD44EU Ariston LD44EU (37304150000) Ariston LD44EU (37304150900) Ariston LD44EU.C Ariston LD44EU.C (64406820000) Ariston LD44EU.C/HA Ariston LD44EU.C/HA (64490030000) Ariston LD6090EU Ariston LD6090EU (37409210100) Ariston LD6090EU (37409210200) Ariston LD6090XEU Ariston LD6090XEU (37409220100) Ariston LD6090XEU (37409220200) Ariston LD85IT Ariston LD85IT (37284540100) Ariston LD85IT (37284540200) Ariston LD85XIT Ariston LD85XIT (37284570100) Ariston LD85XIT (37284570200) Ariston LD87AG Ariston LD87AG (37386220000) Ariston LD87EU Ariston LD87EU (37284730100) Ariston LD87EU (37284730900) Ariston LD87FR Ariston LD87FR (37292850000) Ariston LD87IT Ariston LD87IT (37284550100) Ariston LD87IT (37284550200) Ariston LD87IT (37284550900) Ariston LD87SK Ariston LD87SK (37296910000) Ariston LD87UK Ariston LD87UK (37293960000) Ariston LD87XAUS Ariston LD87XAUS (37299180000) Ariston LD87XEU Ariston LD87XEU (37284740100) Ariston LD87XIT Ariston LD87XIT (37284580100) Ariston LD87XIT (37284580200) Ariston LD87XSK Ariston LD87XSK (37296920000) Ariston LD87XSK (37296920100) Ariston LD90XIT Ariston LD90XIT (37410580100) Ariston LF6070EU Ariston LF6070EU (37409190000) Ariston LF6070EU (37409190100) Ariston LF6070XEU Ariston LF6070XEU (37409200000) Ariston LF6070XEU (37409200100) Ariston LF69FR Ariston LF69FR (37478730000) Ariston LF70EU Ariston LF70EU (37345220100) Ariston LF70EU (37345220200) Ariston LF70EU (37345220900) Ariston LF70FR Ariston LF70FR (37375450000) Ariston LF70FR (37375450900) Ariston LF70FR (37375451000) Ariston LF70IT Ariston LF70IT (37373460000) Ariston LF70IT (37373460100) Ariston LF70IT (37373460900) Ariston LF70IT (37373461000) Ariston LF70XEU Ariston LF70XEU (37345210100) Ariston LF70XEU (37345210200) Ariston LF70XIT Ariston LF70XIT (37373470000) Ariston LF70XIT (37373470100) Ariston LF70XIT (37373470200) Ariston LI42 Ariston LI42 (37272440000) Ariston LI420 Ariston LI420 (37303920000) Ariston LI420.C Ariston LI420.C (64402170000) Ariston LI420.C/HA Ariston LI420.C/HA (64490090000) Ariston LI425.C/HA Ariston LI425.C/HA (64603570000) Ariston LI45UK Ariston LI45UK (37272470000) Ariston LI46 Ariston LI46 (37272450000) Ariston LI460 Ariston LI460 (37303700100) Ariston LI460.C Ariston LI460.C (64402180000) Ariston LI460.C/HA Ariston LI460.C/HA (64490120000) Ariston LI470A.C Ariston LI470A.C (64486940000) Ariston LI470A.C/HA Ariston LI470A.C/HA (64606880000) Ariston LI480A Ariston LI480A (37303710000) Ariston LI480A.C Ariston LI480A.C (64406390000) Ariston LI480A.C/HA Ariston LI480A.C/HA (64490130000) Ariston LI485A.C/HA Ariston LI485A.C/HA (64603580000) Ariston LI48A Ariston LI48A (37272460000) Ariston LI62 Ariston LI62 (37263490000) Ariston LI620 Ariston LI620 (37295110000) Ariston LI620 (37295110100) Ariston LI625 Ariston LI625 (37419880000) Ariston LI62UK Ariston LI62UK (37272480000) Ariston LI640A Ariston LI640A (37295120000) Ariston LI640A (37295120100) Ariston LI640A (37295120200) Ariston LI641A Ariston LI641A (37339420000) Ariston LI645A Ariston LI645A (37419900000) Ariston LI64A Ariston LI64A (37265390100) Ariston LI64A (37265390200) Ariston LI66 Ariston LI66 (37268610100) 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(37304080900) Ariston LL40EU.C Ariston LL40EU.C (64406660000) Ariston LL40EU.C/HA Ariston LL40EU.C/HA (64489890000) Ariston LL420FR Ariston LL420FR (37303970000) Ariston LL42AG Ariston LL42AG (37386260000) Ariston LL42AG (37386260900) Ariston LL42AUS.C Ariston LL42AUS.C (64571140000) Ariston LL42EU Ariston LL42EU (37304110000) Ariston LL42EU (37304110900) Ariston LL42EU.C Ariston LL42EU.C (64406680000) Ariston LL42EU.C/HA Ariston LL42EU.C/HA (64490020000) Ariston LL42SK Ariston LL42SK (37323000000) Ariston LL42SK (37323000900) Ariston LL42SK.C Ariston LL42SK.C (64406770000) Ariston LL42SK.C/HA Ariston LL42SK.C/HA (64542870000) Ariston LL430FR.C Ariston LL430FR.C (64406800000) Ariston LL430FR.C/HA Ariston LL430FR.C/HA (64542880000) Ariston LL430XFR.C/HA Ariston LL430XFR.C/HA (64562950000) Ariston LL43SEU Ariston LL43SEU (37304120000) Ariston LL43SEU.C Ariston LL43SEU.C (64406780000) Ariston LL43SEU.C/HA Ariston LL43SEU.C/HA (64490040000) Ariston LL43XAUS.C Ariston LL43XAUS.C 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